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31/08/2023 - 17:52

Interesting destinations in Long An for tourists on September 2 holiday

The 4-day holiday of September 2 is the time to rest, relax, and find balance after a long period of hard work. If you are in Long An, we have some interesting destinations for you.

Touring around Tan An City

As the central urban area of the province, Tan An City are an economical but interesting place to have fun during the holidays. The first familiar place to mention is Starlight Tan An cinema in Vincom Shopping Center. On the occasion of Vu Lan festival and September 2 holiday, many films about family affection were released. With a variety of screenings both during the day and at night, Starlight is a destination that many young people love.

Coffee shops in Tan An City with beautiful and luxurious decorations for young people to check in (Photo: THAO MI)

In addition, Tan An City is home to many restaurants and cafes with a variety of styles: office, nostalgic, close to nature, etc with beautiful, luxurious and promising decorated space. These places will not disappoint young people when they come to check in.

In particular, culinary exchange activities, folk cakes, regional specialties, entertainment on National Day at Tan An City Park will attract many visitors. 143 booths of cuisine, folk cakes, regional specialties, folk games, children's games, etc will serve visitors from August 30 to September 3, 2023. Visiting, shopping, taking photos and enjoying delicious dishes with relatives and friends at the culinary exchange area is an interesting suggestion in this holiday.

To the nature

This is very suitable time to visit eco-tourism destinations in the Dong Thap Muoi region of the province (In photo: Tan Lap Floating Village Tourist Area)

The highlight of Long An tourism has always been eco-tourism with the green melaleuca forest. This is considered the most suitable time of the year to visit eco-tourism areas in the Dong Thap Muoi region of the province. When the floodwaters return, the water lily fields begin to bloom, the eye-catching green melaleuca forests and duckweed carpets cover the water surface, creating a space that is both quiet, relaxing, fresh and cool.

Tan Lap Floating Village tourist area (Tan Lap commune, Moc Hoa district) launches a combo tickets for sightseeing and buffet lunch with riverside specialties. Also, from September 1 to September 3, 2023, the tourist area will be equipped with water lily boats for visitors to freely pose and take photos.

Endless Field tourist area (Moc Hoa district) is also an interesting destination for those who want to try the feeling of leaving the city and going to the forest, finding peace and relaxation after tiring days. Focusing on health care services combined with eco-tourism, Endless Field has tours designed according to individual requirements with close and friendly experiences with nature.

Experiencing new services

If you like bustling places with friends and family, you can go to My Quynh Zoo (Duc Hoa district) and Chavi Garden (Ben Luc district). During this holiday, both destinations launch completely new services.

Boating is a new service launched during the holiday at My Quynh Zoo (Duc Hoa district) (Photo: FB My Quynh Zoo)

At My Quynh Zoo, in addition to visiting the zoo, semi-wild area, indoor and outdoor play areas and water park, on this holiday, visitors can experience boating on the canal. In addition, colorful sunflower fields, artistic kite flying activities, and bingo and music programs, etc are awaiting visitors at My Quynh Zoo during the September 2 holiday.

The outdoor spring bathing area is one of the new services of Chavi Garden (Ben Luc district) during the September 2 holiday (Photo: Chavi Garden)

Starting to promote health care activities, on this holiday, Chavi Garden launches the following services: Outdoor spring bathing, whitening bath and relaxing herbal bath in addition to the herbal foot bath and meditation service that have been deployed before.

Chavi garden always gives visitors a feeling of relaxation with its cool and beautiful green landscape. The vibrant flower gardens and the fruit orchards starting to bear fruit are its unique highlights compared to other tourist areas and destinations in the province. If you want to avoid the hustle and bustle of the city but still experience a comfortable and beautiful space, Chavi Garden is the destination that meets both of those needs.

The 4-day holiday is just enough for each of us to rest, relax, meet relatives, friends and reward ourselves with a short trip. Hopefully, the suggestions on the destinations of Long An will help you make the most suitable choice for your vacation./.

By Moc Chau - Translated by Q. Thien

Source: https://baolongan.vn/dip-le-2-9-long-an-co-nhieu-diem-den-thu-vi-a162059.html

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