Tiếng Việt | English

28/11/2019 - 16:00

Long An mission learns experiences of hi-tech agriculture model in Son La province

The Long An delegation visited the agricultural models of Son La province. In order to create appropriate mechanisms and policies, continue to encouraging cooperatives and households to produce and trade fruit trees in Long An province.

Long An Provincial People's Committee Chairman - Tran Van Can highly appreciates the high-tech production model in Son La province

Long An Provincial People's Committee Chairman - Tran Van Can highly appreciates the high-tech production model in Son La province

During the visit and working in Son La province, on November 27, Long An mission visited the Cooperative models associated with the key crops of Son La province such as longan, mango, green grapefruit, sugar apple, etc., and models of growing lingzhi mushroom and strawberries in Mai Son district, Moc Chau, Son La province. Currently, these models have brought high economic efficiency, thereby they contributed to developing production, creating job and increasing income for local laborers.

In Hat Lot commune, Mai Son district, it is not difficult to recognize that all the hillsides are lush green fruit garden. Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Dung, Director of Ngoc Lan Cooperative, said that, currently, 100 percent of the members of the cooperative used the machines in taking care of fruit trees; applied technical procedures in pruning, grafting, fertilizing, using plant protection drugs on the principle of "4 true", etc. The care and harvest process applies according to VietGAP process.

Delegation visits the model of growing lingzhi mushroom in Hat Lot townlet, Mai Son district, Son La province

Delegation visits the model of growing lingzhi mushroom in Hat Lot townlet, Mai Son district, Son La province

For the model of growing lingzhi mushroom, Manh Thang Co., Ltd. is located in Hat Lot townlet, Mai Son district, Son La province, which specializes in growing and supplying lingzhi mushroom products. The brand management unit of Manh Thang lingzhi mushroom has consulted and collaborated with the production entity to study the appropriate packaging, design and protection of the Manh Thang brand, product quality testing, original traceability, standardization of content and label to meet market requirements and State regulations according to Decree 43/2017/ND-CP.

Secretary of Mai Son District Party Committee, Son La - Tran Dac Thang informed that Mai Son is a key district in developing technology-applied agriculture of Son La province. The whole district has over 100 agricultural cooperatives and over 10,000 hectares of fruit trees. Along with the area development, Mai Son district is also interested in branding and managing product quality. From 2018 to now, some products of the district have been exported to China, the US, Japan, Dubai, Australia, South Korea and so on with the output of over 6,400 tons, the total value is estimated at over 5 million USD.

At the visiting places, the delegation was briefly introduced about cooperatives; Main products, output, revenue and market of cooperatives. Cooperative products brand such as Certificate of food safety eligibility, VietGap. The mission discussed the deployment of cooperative services, ways approaching cooperatives in signing product off-take contracts; experience in cooperative conversion under the Law on Cooperatives; ability to supply according to the market demand of cooperatives and unions of cooperatives in the area in the near future.

The mission visits Chimi strawberry farm

The mission visits Chimi strawberry farm

According to the Chairman of Long An Provincial People's Committee - Tran Van Can, the organization of a study trip to learn experience of fruit tree models in localities of Son La province aims at creating appropriate mechanisms and policies, continuing to encourage Cooperatives, fruit production and business households in Long An province to have more knowledge, apply in practice, contribute to raising values and developing sustainably in the coming time.

Long An mission visit a dairy cattle farm in Moc Chau district

Long An mission visit a dairy cattle farm in Moc Chau district

On the same day, the delegation visited the Chimi strawberry farm and dairy cattle farm in Moc Chau, Son La province. This is a strawberry farm with the largest technology in the North of Vietnam. This place is blessed with a cool climate all year round creating favorable conditions for strawberry plants to grow and develop./.

By Huynh Phong – Translated by Duc Tam


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