Tiếng Việt | English

14/11/2018 - 15:31

Long An party chief talks to residents about hi-tech agriculture

Pham Van Ranh, secretary of Long An province Party Committee and chairman of the provincial People’s Council, presided over a dialogue conference with residents about hi-tech agriculture in association with agricultural restructuring on November 9.

Long An party chief Pham Van Ranh delivers a statement at the conference

The conference was attended by representatives of agencies, districts, businesses and over 80 farmers in the province.

After three years of implementation, the hi-tech applied agricultural program has gained initial results. New production models have proved efficiency and been applied by lot of households. 

They have invested in net houses and economic watering system.  Phases in production process from sowing, putting down fertilizer, spraying pesticide and harvest have been mechanized. Organic fertilizers have been used to gradually replace chemical products.

Trade and investment promotion as well as food safety supervision have been intensified. Many clean food supply contracts have been signed with distributors in and outside the province contributing in consuming products made under the program.

Farmers proposed Long An province to have hi-tech agriculture assistance policies

At the conference, farmers proposed the province to have solutions to link up production, agricultural material supply and consumption to lure residents to attend hi-tech farming zones.

In addition, the province should have polices for cooperatives and farmers to facilitate their access to preferential loans, improve irrigation system, build electric pumping stations and traffic roads.

Mr. Ranh recorded the above opinions and proposed the provincial People’s Committee and agencies to solve matters within their jurisdiction in a timely manner./.

By Huynh Phong – Translated by Hanh Lien

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