Tiếng Việt | English

07/09/2023 - 11:55

Long An Provincial People's Committee signs cooperation agreement with VP Bank

On September 6, Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Provincial People's Committee - Nguyen Van Ut chaired a conference to exchange and discuss towards establishing a cooperative relationship between Long An province and Vietnam Prosperity Joint Stock Commercial Bank (VP Bank).

Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Provincial People's Committee - Nguyen Van Ut (second from the right) signs a cooperation agreement between the People's Committee of Long An province and VP Bank

Attending the conference were former Politburo member and former President - Truong Tan Sang; Standing Deputy Chairman of the Central Inspection Committee - Tran Van Ron. On Long An province's side, there was Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Provincial People's Council - Nguyen Van Duoc; Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee - Huynh Van Son, representatives of the leaders of departments, agencies, and localities in the province. On VP Bank's side, there is Chairman of the Board of Directors - Ngo Chi Dung; General Director - Nguyen Duc Vinh.

Former President Truong Tan Sang always actively connects agencies, organizations, businesses, and entrepreneurs to the province

Speaking at the conference, Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee - Huynh Van Son said that on the path of development, Long An province has always received sincere and compassionate attention and help from the former President - Truong Tan Sang, through actively connecting agencies, organizations, businesses and entrepreneurs to the province. This support amounts to thousands of billions of VND to invest in building bridges and rural roads; renovating many historical works and relics; building many new schools, awarding scholarships; organizing medical examination and treatment for the poor, etc. This shows the deep affection that the former President has for his homeland Long An.

Actively responding to the call of former President - Truong Tan Sang to accompany the province, over the past time, VP Bank has donated hundreds of billions VND for social security activities, thereby, making a great contribution to changing the face of rural areas and taking care of disadvantaged people in Long An province.

Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Provincial People's Committee - Nguyen Van Ut, on behalf of the provincial leaders, thanks former President - Truong Tan Sang and VP Bank for the great supports 

Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Provincial People's Committee - Nguyen Van Ut, on behalf of the provincial leaders, appreciated the support of former President - Truong Tan Sang and VP Bank. These contributions are very valuable, spreading humane and practical values to the community.

Former President - Truong Tan Sang, provincial leaders, VP Bank take souvenir photos

On this occasion, General Director of VP Bank - Nguyen Duc Vinh expressed his desire to provide optimal financial solutions for officials, civil servants, and public employees in Long An province. Currently, VP Bank has good financial capacity and has determined the 3rd 5-year strategic development goal (2022-2026) to become a bank with a solid position in the Top 3 major banks in Vietnam and reaching the scale of Top 100 largest banks in Asia.

The bank has a strong foundation in financial capacity, when the scale of consolidated equity has exceeded 103,000 billion VND, charter capital is over 67,000 billion VND - a great capital in the Vietnamese banking system by the end of 2022. VP Bank aims to become a versatile, innovative and value-creating bank through comprehensive financial solutions with the synergy of the ecosystem and application of advanced technology./.

By Mai Huong - Translated by Q. Thien

Source: https://baolongan.vn/ubnd-tinh-long-an-ky-ket-thoa-thuan-hop-tac-voi-ngan-hang-tmcp-viet-nam-thinh-vuong-a162434.html

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