Tiếng Việt | English

03/02/2023 - 17:33

Secretary of Long An Provincial Party Committee - Nguyen Van Duoc surveys key traffic projects

Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council - Nguyen Van Duoc visited and worked with branches and localities on the implementation of key traffic projects in Ben Luc and Duc Hoa districts, Long An province.

On February 3, the delegation of Provincial Standing Party Committee led by Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council - Nguyen Van Duoc came to survey and work with branches and localities on the implementation of key traffic projects in Ben Luc and Duc Hoa districts.

Accompanied him were Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee - Nguyen Van Ut; Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee - Nguyen Minh Lam; leaders of Department of Transport; related departments and branches and leaders of 2 districts Ben Luc and Duc Hoa.

Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council - Nguyen Van Duoc surveyed the project of Provincial Road 830E at the intersection with National Highway 1

Reporting at the meeting, Director of the Department of Transport - Dang Hoang Tuan affirmed that right from the 6th day of Lunar New Year, the construction units have simultaneously re-organized the construction, striving to complete according to the schedule.

At the Ho Chi Minh City Ring Road 3 project, the milestones required by the Government are basically completed as planned by the Transport sector. In which, the People's Committee of Ben Luc district issued a notice of land acquisition, held a meeting to announce the investment policy, scope of site clearance and handed over the notice of land acquisition to the affected households. The project is expected to start construction in June 2023, basically completing the opening of expressway in 2025 and the entire project in 2026.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee - Nguyen Van Ut at the survey

For the Provincial Road 830E project with a length of more than 9.3km through 2 districts Ben Luc and Can Duoc, phase 1 will invest in 2 parallel roads, each will consist of 2 mixed lanes with 7m wide and 1 rudimentary car lane with 2.5m wide; the part of the road connecting to Provincial Road 830 has a complete scale of 6 lanes, with the roadbed of 30m wide. When completed, it will become an expressway with 8 lanes for traffic and 2 lanes for emergency stops; the parallel road section will have 4 mixed lanes, 2 lanes in each direction.

Up to now, the Department of Transport has organized a bidding package for the construction of the section from Provincial Road 830 to Nguyen Van Nham Street. It is expected to start construction in February 2023 and the remaining section to connect to National Highway 1 is expected to start in April 2023.

Survey team at Ho Chi Minh City Ring Road 3 project

As for the project of upgrading and renovating Provincial Road 830C, the length will be about 9km with urban road scale, 20m wide asphalt concrete road surface, 30m wide road bed, especially the section from Nguyen Huu Tho street to Nguyen Van Tiep street with about 0.7km long, keep the status quo. The project has a total investment of about 971 billion VND, in which, the state budget invests in site clearance, while the construction investment costs are contributed by enterprises which are non-refundable. Currently, the Department of Transport is deploying piles to clear the ground and hand over to the People's Committee of Ben Luc district for clearance. The project is expected to start construction in 2025 after allocating capital.

Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council - Nguyen Van Duoc and the survey team at the Provincial Road 823D project (new Northwest open axis connecting Long An and Ho Chi Minh City)

Particularly, the project of Provincial Road 823D (new Northwest open axis connecting Long An  and Ho Chi Minh City) is undertaked by the consortium of Hoan Hao Company Limited, Hai Duong Embankment Construction and Rural Development Joint Stock Company and Trung Thanh Investment and Construction Ltd. Currently, contractors are gathering materials, equipment and machines to deploy 7 construction works of digging, filling sand and red gravel on the roadbed, constructing sewers at the sections that have been handed over. The volume value of implementation so far is 96.33 out of 946 billion dong, reaching 10.18%.

Currently, construction units are deploying 7 construction points at Provincial Road 823D project (New Northwest open axis connecting Long An and Ho Chi Minh City)

However, the biggest difficulty at present when implementing key traffic works is ground problems. Some sections are under construction, but the handover ground is not continuous; people received compensation yet have not dismantled their houses, structures, and graves; some households are waiting for the handover of the resettlement ground for dismantling and relocation, so the construction work was continuously interrupted. Some projects are still facing difficulties in funding as well as lack of material supply.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee - Nguyen Van Ut speaks at the meeting

At the meeting, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee - Nguyen Van Ut said that the Provincial People's Committee will create all conditions for timely allocation of capital to implement key traffic projects. However, localities also need to focus on timely implementation of resettlement areas that are better than the old ones so that people can feel secure about relocation, handing over the premises, creating consensus among people during project implementation.

Speaking at the meeting, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council - Nguyen Van Duoc affirmed that, through the survey and at the meeting, it can be seen that the progress of site clearance at key construction projects of two districts of Ben Luc and Duc Hoa have changed, showing great determination of the leaders of two localities and related sectors. This is a good condition for completing the site clearance and starting the projects, especially the Ho Chi Minh City Ring Road 3 project., Provincial Road 830E project.

Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council - Nguyen Van Duoc asks Provincial People's Committee to direct branches and localities to overcome difficulties in implementing key traffic works as planned

However, the situation in the country and in the world continues to be difficult; the need for investment capital for development is very large yet the capital of the province is still limited; some regulations are still inadequate. These difficulties will affect the implementation of key transport projects of the province. Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council - Nguyen Van Duoc asked the Provincial People's Committee to direct relevant branches and localities to continue to perform well the site clearance work to proceed to start the projects as planned. Particularly for the Ho Chi Minh City Ring Road 3 project, the Provincial People's Committee and the Department of Transport need to coordinate well with localities such as Ho Chi Minh City, Binh Duong, and Dong Nai to ensure that the construction works as planned.

Previously, the delegation of the Standing Provincial Party Committee directly surveyed many points at the projects of Provincial Road 830E,  Ho Chi Minh City Ring Road 3; Provincial Road 823D (New Northwest open axis connecting Long An and Ho Chi Minh City)./.

By Staffs - Translated by Q. Thien

Source: https://baolongan.vn/bi-thu-tinh-uy-chu-tich-hdnd-tinh-nguyen-van-duoc-khao-sat-cac-cong-tinh-giao-thong-trong-diem-a149113.html

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