Tiếng Việt | English

13/10/2021 - 11:19

Ho Chi Minh City and Long An have the highest coverage rate of 2 shots of Covid-19 vaccine

The Ministry of Health held an online conference with localities to review the progress of vaccination against Covid-19 chaired by Deputy Minister of Health - Do Xuan Tuyen.

Deputy Minister of Health - Do Xuan Tuyen asks localities to check, review, not to let negative issues happen in vaccination

Deputy Minister of Health - Do Xuan Tuyen asks localities to check, review, not to let negative issues happen in vaccination

As of October 10, the Ministry of Health and the Central Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology have distributed 57 rounds of Covid-19 vaccines with a total of over 81 million doses.

Facing the complicated situation of the Covid-19 epidemic, Ho Chi Minh City and the provinces of Long An, Dong Nai and Binh Duong are given priority to allocate vaccines to increase the coverage rate and quickly create immunity among the people.

In Long An, up to now, the province has 100 percent of people over 18 years old in the locality have injected the first shot; the number of second shots also reached nearly 62 percent. The whole province is implementing the second shot of Covid-19 vaccine.

According to the assessment from the Ministry of Health, from the beginning of October until now, the vaccination rate has tended to increase gradually compared to the period between the end of September and the end of September.

8 out of 63 provinces and cities with coverage of at least 1 shot of vaccine for over 90 percent of the population aged 18 and older are Hanoi, Quang Ninh, Da Nang, Khanh Hoa, Ho Chi Minh City, Dong Nai, Long An, Binh Duong; in which, the 2 localities with the highest coverage rate of 2 doses of vaccine for the population aged 18 and older are Ho Chi Minh City and Long An.

Delegates attend the conference at the end-point bridge of Long An province

Delegates attend the conference at the end-point bridge of Long An province

It is expected that from October 10 to October 31, the Ministry of Health will receive more than 45 million doses of the vaccine, of which it will continue to be allocated to inject the second shot for five localities, including Hanoi City, Ho Chi Minh City, Dong Nai, Long An, Binh Duong (including all residents aged 50 and older); distribute the vaccine to other localities for injecting the 1st shot for 95 percent of people aged 18 years and older, the 2nd shot for 95 percent of the people aged 50 years and older, up to the vaccination schedule and deploy to inject the 1st shot for children from 12 to 17 years old according to the schedule.

At the conference, Deputy Minister of Health - Do Xuan Tuyen requested localities and units to urgently receive the next batch of vaccines and speed up the vaccination schedule; there is preparation to gradually expand the injected people according to the guidance of the Ministry of Health in the near future. At the same time, they urgently review, update and immediately add information to the Covid-19 vaccination management software before October 15. In particular, localities must check, review, not to let negative issues happen in vaccination.

He also suggested that localities quickly make statistics of people (from 12 to under 18 years old, inject the 3rd shot of each vaccine, etc.) to develop plans for the last months of 2021 and 2022. He proposed to give priority to focus on such following people as the frontline force in the fight against the Covid-19 epidemic; people aged 50 years and older; people with underlying diseases; injection for foreigners living, working and studying in the locality.

The allocation of vaccines needs to be prioritized with localities with a large concentration of workers to quickly restore production. In addition, it is also important to note that vaccination will be given to people who work in an environment that comes into contact with many people such as shopping centers, working at piers, bus stations, etc./.

By Pham Ngan – Translated by Duc Tam 

Source: https://baolongan.vn/tp-hcm-va-long-an-co-ty-le-bao-phu-du-2-mui-vac-xin-phong-covid-19-cao-nhat-a123407.html

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