Tiếng Việt | English

16/09/2023 - 17:12

Long An seeks opportunities for cooperation, trade and investment with partners in Kansai region (Japan)

Continuing the working program of Long An delegation in Japan, on September 15, in Osaka City, Chairman of Provincial People's Committee - Nguyen Van Ut attended the Vietnam - Japan Trade and Investment Promotion Forum in the Kansai region 2023.

Chairman of Long An Provincial People's Committee - Nguyen Van Ut (2nd, right) attending the Vietnam - Japan Trade and Investment Promotion Forum in Kansai region 2023.

The forum is organized by the Vietnam Confederation of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) and the Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OCCI) in coordination with agencies in Japan.

Attending the forum was Consul General of Vietnam in Osaka - Ngo Trinh Ha; Representative of the Government of Japan, Ambassador in charge of Kansai - Tsutomu Himeno; President of Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OCCI) - Torii Shingo; Vice President of the Vietnam Confederation of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) - Hoang Quang Phong and the delegation from Long An, Soc Trang, Hung Yen, and Dien Bien provinces; infrastructure enterprises in Vietnam and many leaders of large corporations and businesses in the Kansai region.

Speaking at the forum, President of the Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OCCI) - Torii Shingo assessed that the forum is a good opportunity for Japanese investors in the Kansai region to access and update useful information about the economic and trade situation and foreign investment attraction of participating localities.

He expressed his joy at Vietnam's economic growth achievements and highly appreciated Vietnam's scientific and technical development compared to other ASEAN countries. At the same time, we hope that with the foundation of friendly relations between the two countries that are developing very well in many fields, investment cooperation activities between localities in Vietnam and provinces in the Kansai region will continue to be promoted harder in the near future.

Speaking at the forum, Vietnamese Consul General in Osaka - Ngo Trinh Ha said that in 2023, Vietnam and Japan had many practical activities to celebrate the 50th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations, including bilateral trade promotion activities with partners in the Kansai region. Trade turnover between Vietnam and the Kansai region in 2022 reached 12 billion USD. The Kansai region currently has 850 FDI projects in Vietnam with a total investment capital of over 9 billion USD.

Vietnam is the top destination chosen by businesses in the Kansai region to diversify their supply chains. Japanese investors are placing a lot of trust in Vietnam, as well as the prospect of business in Vietnam in the context of unpredictable changes in the world situation.

At this forum, Long An province received a lot of attention from Japanese businesses and corporations on issues such as the province's development orientation in the coming time, and the province's preferential policies for Japanese businesses, human resources, etc.

Speaking at the forum, Chairman of Long An Provincial People's Committee - Nguyen Van Ut said: The province has had economic relations with nearly 40 countries and territories, attracting over 1,200 FDI investment projects, with a total capital of Investing over 10.45 billion USD. Japan alone has 142 projects with a total investment capital of over 800 million USD.

According to the approved provincial planning, the province will focus on socio-economic development associated with the goal of sustainable growth, striving to continue to maintain its leading position in the Mekong Delta region by 2025. By 2030, Long An is expected to become a province with a well-developed industrial and urban sector in the Southern Key Economic Region. The total land fund planned for industrial development until 2030 is 16,400 hectares, with 51 approved industrial parks and 72 industrial clusters, ranking third in the country.

Transport and urban infrastructure are constantly being invested synchronously and drastically, creating convenience for the circulation of goods, promoting trade and investment.

Chairman of Long An Provincial People's Committee - Nguyen Van Ut speaks at the forum

As for human resources, the province currently has a population of nearly 1 million people of working age with increasingly improving quality. In addition, the province has promoted cooperation in Japanese language education and training, to meet the requirements of Japanese businesses. This is a favorable factor for Long An province to expect Japanese investors in general and the Kansai region in particular to invest.

The province is committed to creating the most favorable conditions for Japanese businesses to feel secure when coming to invest and do long-term business. With the efforts and determination of the province, he hopes that Japanese investors in the Kansai region will continue to expand investment in industrial park ecosystems; some key areas that the province is prioritizing to attract investment such as industry, electronics, and international quality urban areas; high-tech agriculture; logistics; etc. These are all fields in which businesses in Kansai in general and Osaka in particular have many strengths and have developed rapidly.

On the sidelines of the conference, the province's delegation attended a business connection discussion session, answering questions for interested Japanese investors wanting to learn about the province. It is expected that after investment promotion activities, Long An will welcome many Japanese investors in the near future.

On September 16, the delegation of Long An province departed for the home country, successfully ending the trade and investment promotion trip in Japan./.

By Truong Giang - Translated by Q. Thien

Source: https://baolongan.vn/long-an-tim-kiem-co-hoi-hop-tac-va-day-manh-xuc-tien-dau-tu-thuong-mai-voi-cac-doi-tac-tai-vung-kansai-nhat-ban--a162978.html

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