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14/03/2023 - 11:01

The new look on key project of Tan An city Ring Road

The Ring Road of Tan An City, Long An Province is gradually being completed, as many bidding packages have been completed and put into operation in time to serve the travel and freight needs of the people.

Bao Dinh Bridge is an architectural highlight of Tan An City Ring Road 

The new look

In an early morning of mid-March, on the Ring Road of Tan An City from the intersection of National Highway 1 to the roundabout of the intersection with Provincial Road 827A, the vehicles is quite busy. This route is chosen by many container trucks and large trucks as the travel route. Up to now, the intersection of National Highway 1 to the roundabout of the intersection with Provincial Road 827A has been basically completed. In some bidding packages, contractors are focusing on completing the final stages such as embellishment and cleaning to proceed to acceptance and handover.

Mr. Pham Van Thang - container truck driver, said: "For a month, many drivers and I, chose the journey from National Highway 1 through the route bypassing Tan An City to return to Chau Thanh district. This route is designed as the two-way traffic, so it is safe, helping drivers reduce the pressure compared to driving into the inne of Tan An city”.

Mrs. Nguyen Thi Le (Khanh Hau ward) shared: “We are very excited to see the work being completed day by day. The route has many outstanding highlights such as Bao Dinh bridge with beautiful and impressive design, along with many expanded intersections. We hope that, after the whole project is completed and put into use, it will create new momentum for the surrounding localities and beautify the city."

Focus on solving problems

Project Management Board for traffic works from Department of Transport informed that, with the goal of opening the section from National Highway 1 to Provincial Road 827A, right from the middle of 2022, the Department of Transport requireed the construction units, especially package No. 5 from Km10+860 to Km11+600 and Bao Dinh Bridge, constructed by the 622 - Song Lam Consortium, and Package No. 7 from Km12+760 to Km13+720 by Construction Company Limited Quang Tien accelerates construction progress. With many efforts, up to now, the Ring Road of Tan An City from the intersection of National Highway 1 to the roundabout of the intersection with Provincial Road 827A has officially opened to traffic. As for sections of Provincial Road 827A to Provincial Road 827B, the section from National Highway 62 to Nguyen Van Qua Street and the bridge project across the Vam Co Tay River, the construction units are making efforts to implement, ensuring the progress as committed.

Although the construction at the Ring Road Project of Tan An City basically met the progress requirements, there were still certain difficulties in some bidding packages. At the section from Provincial Road 827A to Provincial Road 827B, there are still problems with domestic water wells, medium and low voltage power lines and telecommunications cables. Particularly for medium and low voltage power lines, the Center for Land Fund Development, Natural Resources and Environment Services is committed to relocate and complete before March 15. The section that coincides with Provincial Road 834B is entangled with 14 households, of which, 13 households affected pavement construction and 1 household affected vertical culvert system construction. At abutment B, Rach Chanh bridge is still entangled with the D80cm clean water supply of Nhi Thanh Water Plant.

As for the bridge over Vam Co Tay River, belonging to the Ring Road Project of Tan An City, at the new construction section of the road and Vam Co Tay bridge, there is a unknown grave. Besides, the upgrading and expanding section of Provincial Road 833 still has problems with 5 households who have not yet handed over the construction site of the drainage system. Department of Transport informed that they have proposed the relevant units and the People's Committee of Tan An City to soon solve the problems and hand over the premises to the construction unit.

In addition, the Department of Transport also requires and urges contractors to focus on vehicles, machinery and human resources to deploy the construction of bidding packages according to the committed contract schedule, ensuring that the route is completed by the end of 2023./.

By Kien Dinh - Translated by Q. Thien

Source: https://baolongan.vn/dien-mao-moi-tren-cong-trinh-trong-diem-duong-vanh-dai-tp-tan-an-a151301.html

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